Can we get a baaammmm?! (A quick natter with Jacob Rolfe a.k.a Jacob Collins from the Trailer Park Boys) & our upcoming Jacob Collins x Mephisto Genetics artwork drop.
Firstly, I’ll openly admit we’re giddy about the opportunity to speak to someone we’ve watched repeatedly throughout the years. We never thought we’d have a platform or brand where that was even a remote possibility! Before moving to Spain, Tim and I were living in a shared house in England (being good friends before embarking on anything with Mephisto Genetics.) One day I heard reams of full-belly, cackling laughter emanating from Tim’s room…and it just did not stop! I was thinking ‘What the fuck is so funny, nothing can be that funny!’ On going to investigate, Tim told me ‘Yeah, I’ve found this new Canadian show that’s absolutely mad, you’ll love it!’
The first few episodes were something to get your head around; the pacing, the filming style and the chaos, but after that, we were completely hooked on The Trailer Park Boys, and over the years it has been a big source of inspiration for us. We’ve even named two strains related to the show, firstly our Original strain; Hubbabubbasmelloscope came from Bubbles being spotted nearby where the boys jacked the hash from Cyrus to make their hash paved driveway, with Cyrus saying ‘We just got robbed by the fucking Hubble bubble telescope!’ Secondly, our Artisanal strain based on Yeti OG which we named Samsquanch OG based on Bubbles’ mispronunciation of Sasquatch. Aside from that, we took inspiration from Freedom 35, whereas the boys planned to retire from a life of crime it was our idea to try something to escape a not-too-fruitful existence in England. So, thanks, boys! 🙏
Jacob on set with the Trailer Park Boys
Interview with Jacob Rolfe aka Jacob Collins
A while ago Tim was browsing Instagram and saw Jacob Rolfe (Jacob Collins) was growing autoflowers and he had some of our packs pictured! Tim, after a few moments of fangirling, reached out and asked if we could send him some more strains to try! We’ve had a couple of nice interactions with Jacob since, he’s a top bloke so it’s our utmost pleasure to have him here and find out as much as we can! So check out our latest meeting of the minds with the absolute legend, interviewed by Tim.
You’ve been in Trailer Park Boys since the beginning. How did you get into working on the Trailer Park Boys project? Are you a trained actor? How did you get your start?
Jacob: Yo what’s happening, boys?! Nice to chat with ya :) Yeah, I was living and working at a nightclub in Halifax, Nova Scotia, back in 1999, and one night someone gave me their card and told me to call them if I wanted to be an extra (aka background actor) in a movie. I did, and on the set of that movie one of the hair (or makeup?) people was the then-wife of Mike Clattenberg, the main brain behind the original Trailer Park Boys series. She knew he was looking for folks to fill small roles and put us in touch… so right place right time… the rest is history! I’m not a trained actor… other than attending an acting camp in the summer between grades 7 and 8! At the end of that camp, we had to perform for the parents, and I discovered what stage fright was… and I was out haha! I can be super self-conscious, so it was pretty nerve-racking being in front of the camera, especially at first. When my role expanded in season 7 I got a little more used to it and learned to chill out… most of the time.
Do you have some amazing anecdotes or behind-the-scenes cool info that your average fanboy/girl wouldn’t know?
Jacob: Well, there are a number of parallels between myself, Jacob Rolfe, and the character I play, Jacob Collins… here are a few I find notable: 1) Jacob Collins goes bald and turns red in S11, due to a puppy allergy combined with a rare unknown element in his blood… and in real life, I have super high levels of an element called gadolinium in my blood… for no known reason. 2) Jacob Collins was fucked over by a horse in season 12, and the real me was thrown off the front of a galloping horse when I was a kid. Thankfully my neck wasn’t broken in real life, but my back sure got wrenched pretty good! 3) Jacob Collins and Jacob Rolfe both love weed… surprise!!!
Weed Indeed! Artwork by Jacob Rolfe
We got in touch originally as we saw you had some packs of Mephisto Genetics seeds on your Instagram, what’s your relationship with weed either in general or as a grower/toker?
Jacob: I like to smoke the green stuff big time… in fact, I’m smoking a joint right now! After living in shared apartments for ages, seven years ago I moved (back) to Nova Scotia and finally had some extra space to grow some weed in. Turns out I’m not very good at it… I suspect I lack the attention to detail necessary to keep the plants thriving for months throughout their life stages. That's one reason I like autoflower plants… less time to fuck them up! Some grows work out better than others… but my tolerance is massive, so to satisfy my cannabinoid needs I usually turn my homegrown into RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) and eating THAT stuff floats my boat… big time!
We love your artwork and style. Can you tell us more about what you’re doing?
Jacob: Many thanks, I like to get high and draw :) I make both kinds of art: Trailer Park Boys themed, and non-TPB themed ;) I think of many of my drawings as illustrations for stories that haven’t been written yet… trippy or surreal stories. I have a basic home studio where I hand screen-print my work… until recently I printed everything myself, but as I get older and my back gets sorer I’ve started to sell reproductions as well (for a cheaper price) and save the screen-printing for my favourite ideas/special occasions.

Jacob in his printshop, making his artwork
How’s life right now, and what are you focusing on?
Jacob: I’m well and good, though feeling a little like I’m in a hamster wheel these days…. Let's just say I’m better at production than the business side of things… though I’ve been hustling and getting out and about with my art more these days. I’ve done a few small ‘Art and Dope’ tours over the last couple of years in Ontario, during which I set up my art in weed dispensaries and met fans of the show. I like being on the road, and it’s got the potential to earn me some cash. I’m working on improving my display set-up, and am thinking about doing a cross-country tour in Canada next summer… maybe visit the USA too, though I bet there’s a bunch of red tape if I wanna sell stuff down there… unless I do it Ricky style!
Are there any other film or TV projects that you’ve been involved in that we might have missed?
Jacob: My only proper acting gig I ever had is Trailer Park Boys, though I have done some background acting here and there as well, even in recent years to bring in a few extra bucks. I DO post videos to YouTube from time to time… nothing fancy, mainly relaxed-paced ‘walking-around-stoned-exploring-stuff’ type videos (my channel is ‘Hoots McGee’) and you can check it out here!
It’s been a real honour to have a chat with you here. Is there anything in the works that we can plug for you for our fans to check out?
Jacob: Thanks fellas, the pleasure was mine! In addition to my YouTube channel mentioned above, folks can check out my website at, or either of my Instagram accounts @jacobcollinsTPB for more Trailer Park Boys related stuff, or which is purely art-related. Keep up the good work lads, poise!! :) Jacob
Jacob Collins X Mephisto Genetics Exclusive artwork release!
Jacob Collins X Mephisto Genetics Exclusive artwork
Jacob has also created two pieces of limited edition Jacob Collins X Mephisto Genetics screen-printed artwork! Dropping on the 12th of February and available in incredibly limited numbers worldwide; Jacob’s Remedy is available in 8 ¾ x 11 ¾” and Mephisto Mountain is 8 ½ x 11”. Each artwork is hand screen-printed, individually numbered and hand-signed by Jacob Rolfe himself!
Check out Jacob’s video below to see exactly how each of them is made.
Until next time!
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