Meet the Team.
We’ve noticed over the last year, given the unprecedented growth we’ve seen on Reddit, that there’s quite a few misconceptions and some rather active imaginations out there concerning the size of our brand. Also as of late we’ve been doing a whole bunch of restructuring, and adding to the team to make sure we have all the right people in all the right places. So we thought now would be an ideal time to give a refresher on our story and a small Mephistory lesson about who we are, where we came from and what we’re about. We’re not far away from our 9-year anniversary and starting from an idea and two people we’ve expanded to 12 people full time (with some additional part time helpers) working across 5 countries. Primarily we’re a team of friends and Meph heads. Trust is paramount in this industry and when you work closely with people in this way, and are reliant on each other it’s like a family.

Hey guys! My growing journey started a long way back when I went to Amsterdam solo as a 16-year-old, I smuggled some seeds back under the guise of a tulip growing kit! Planted them on my window sill and got my Mum to water them whilst I was away, they turned out to be males and wilted, but I had the bug! Fast forward about 5 years and whilst at university I met Tim, our other Mephisto Genetics co-founder. After a few years of being good friends Tim and I ended up sharing a house, where we were both growing and smoking, I had gotten into Autoflowers at the ground level adopting them early, I loved the way autos grew, they were a whole bunch of fun. Myself and Tim used to have grow battles and my auto setup was easily out-producing him, but he wasn’t a fan of the quality, especially in comparison to the high-grade flowers he usually could get. So the gauntlet was thrown down to develop an Auto that would get Tim sufficiently high! As our breeding programs became more elaborate and required the type of space and freedoms the UK couldn’t offer the only safe way to progress was to look for greener pastures, we didn’t have a whole lot to lose so we took a gamble and moved out to Spain which is where the Mephisto Genetics story really started.

Hi, I'm Tim, I’m the co-founder of Mephisto Genetics, which I started together with Mitch back in 2012. Before Mephisto, I was on my way to becoming a nurse in the UK. A noble profession but underpaid and overworked. After 10 years of being in the field of care, Mitch and I decided to take to plunge before we got too old and tied down. We moved to Spain with a green dream, to make the best auto flowers that the world has ever seen. In the beginning, my jobs were to design and build the grow rooms and grow and maintain those grows. I took what I learned from my care work, but now doing my rounds my patients were plants, not people. I loved the farm and our beloved animals. It holds a special place in my heart. The farmhouse was a real labour of love, always problems but problem-solving and MacGyvering solutions were super fun in hindsight. Over the years we have seen the company flourish beyond what we could have ever imagined. With a growing company my job role also evolved, I still grow for love and fun but on a smaller scale in comparison to the past, now primarily focusing on strain-hunting for new creations.

I have worked in Amsterdam, London, and Boston MA before eventually settling in Barcelona more than 10 years ago. In 2014 I met Mitch and Tim at an event in Barcelona and we became good friends over a common interest in plants. Until 2018 I worked in a corporate job in Barcelona, which I had to quit due to medical reasons. Tim and Mitch offered me a side job to help them get some stuff organized. I’m the Jack of all trades in the company, doing administrative work, general management, ordering products for the company and so on. I’m grateful that my friends gave me such a great opportunity, which changed my life for the better.

A childhood friend of Tim’s, I initially came to the farm in 2014 for a
short period to help the boys out with basic farm chores before I went
travelling. After coming home in 2017 and not settling down much, Tim
offered me a full-time position as his personal man-servant (officially
the job title was soil boy). During a company restructuring in 2018, I
returned to the UK and took on a new role, heading up the UK-based
operation as the primary distributor. So UK folk, just know that your
orders are packed by hand with love and heavy metal.

Hi, I’m Stan. I live on a small urban farm in Colorado where I grow my own food and raise chickens. My lifelong goal is to buy a large piece of land and start a regenerative agriculture farm to help feed my local community. I found out about Mephisto sometime in 2017 while searching for an alternative to photos. I was looking for something different when I stumbled upon autoflowers and Mephisto. I was apprehensive at first, because like most people I had been convinced by other growers that autos were inferior to photos. But I took the plunge and bought my first autos when Mephisto released 4 Assed Monkey, Crème De La Chem, and Samsquanch OG. My first taste of Crème De La Chem was all I needed to become a lifelong Meph Head! A few months later I saw some posts online about distribution problems in the US and I thought, “How hard could it be”. I proceeded to email and message Brad looking for an opportunity to work for Mephisto. The first emails didn’t do much, but I think after 10 or so emails I convinced the team to give me a shot. The rest is history! I couldn’t be more wrong when I said, “How hard could it be”. I thought my experience in industrial manufacturing and large-scale agriculture had prepared me for a job in the seed business. But there was still so much to learn. My time as the US distributor was a long hard battle, and now I am changing gears and will be taking on a new role as Social Media Manager. I am excited to still be with Mephisto in a new role, and I am looking forward to my future endeavours with Mephisto Genetics!

My background is in restaurant management, with 17 years of dedication in an industry that focuses on the customer. I began my journey with Mephisto in 2021 on the US shipping and packing team. As the US manager position became vacant, I knew that I wanted to take on the challenge and I have enjoyed every minute! My expectations have always been to go above and beyond the usual effort to continuously achieve a higher standard. I strive for consistency, motivation, and focus to produce quality results, and I plan to continue implementing that focus with Mephisto.

Hi Friends, Jimbo signing in! I am beyond thrilled to be joining the team to grow and photograph the Mephisto Genetics library of offerings. I have been a creative specialist and content producer in the industry since 2012 when I started my first canna-blog focused on testing and reviewing California’s Bay Area Medical Cannabis. Back then, I had recently graduated college and was working full-time in corporate restaurant operations around San Fransisco. Within several years of being exposed to the industry as a hobbyist, I decided to take the plunge. I packed up and moved to Denver, eventually taking a job with Leafly as a content producer. As their Denver correspondent, my role involved producing educational content, reviewing products, and working with/ highlighting local industry leaders and innovators. During that time, I began growing cannabis myself, and have kept a garden ever since. My tenure with Leafly spanned 5 years and eventually brought me back to the US East Coast where I reside today. I left Leafly in 2020 to focus on building out a family venture. Choosing to pack my love for cannabis back into the metaphorical (and literal) closet, I quickly discovered the magic of autoflowers with my very first Mephisto Genetics purchase. After seeing jaw-dropping results growing out 3 Bears OG, Creme De La Chem, and an AVT x 3BOG freebie, I was head over heels hooked! My enthusiasm for growing and photographing the garden beckoned me back to the internet in 2021, where I would eventually cross paths with Stan. The rest, my friends, is Mephistory! This year marks my 20th year as a cannabis consumer and advocate, and I am so thankful to be spending it with my Mephisto Genetics family!

Hello all, I'm Nico. I'm a West coast based grower and breeder who has been in the cannabis industry for the past 15 years. I have a graduate degree in horticulture from a leading American agricultural university, spent 5 years working as a scientist for a renowned fertilizer manufacturer, and have worked for and with some of the biggest cannabis companies in North America. I have been playing around with feminised seeds for years and have a good knowledge of the do's and don't of seed production. When the opportunity came to work with Mephisto I jumped at the chance. In 2018 I started reproducing the catalogue and making f1 crosses of the strains in feminised form, but now I’ve expanded to helping the boys with their IBL’s and new project development. I will continue to make the best selections to make these legendary auto flowers more stable and give you the customer the best growing experience.

Hello MephHeads 🖖🏻 I was fortunate to meet Mitch and Tim during a short spell freelancing in Barcelona in 2021. After shooting some ideas around over a plate of tapas or two, I came on board to help bring Mephisto Genetics to the growers of the world through the mysterious realms of SEO and PPC. During spells in Florida, Spain, Amsterdam, and Brighton I’ve worked with over 40 digital brands but have never tackled a marketing landscape as regulated as this one. Thanks to big tech, getting the word out ain’t been easy. But similarly, I’ve not worked with another team that has the same care and respect for their community as this team, which helps a tonne. Together we’ve ducked past Google legislation, weaved past Facebook regulation, and continue to tip-toe our way to bringing the strains you love to new MephHeads globally. When I’ve not got my head in campaigns, I’ve usually got my feet in the sand, most recently getting lost in the weird and wonderful continent of South America. And when I’m not on the green, I’m on the greens, or trying to be, whilst playing golf back here in the UK.